Our Director Christian Dustmann Discusses the Future of Germany’s Automotive Sector on SWR Kultur Radio

Our Director Christian Dustmann Discusses the Future of Germany’s Automotive Sector on SWR Kultur Radio

SWR Kultur’s Forum recently featured an insightful discussion with our Director, Professor Christian Dustmann, addressing the topic “Krise im Autoland – stockt der Jobmotor Autoindustrie?” (translated: “Crisis in Car Country – Is the Job Engine Running Out of Fuel?”). Moderated by Geli Hensolt, the forum brought together leading voices from industry and academia to explore the significant challenges confronting Germany’s automotive sector, including the potential impact on employment.

The panel also included Sonja Álvarez Sobreviela from WirtschaftsWoche and Frank Göller, Partner at Horváth consultancy. Together with Professor Christian Dustmann they discussed the recent developments at Volkswagen, where proposed layoffs and plant closures have sent shockwaves through the workforce and raised concerns about the future of Germany’s key industrial sector. The experts examined whether these changes signal the beginning of a broader crisis and what measures, if any, could help mitigate further job losses.

You can listen to the full discussion (in German) and download the audio here.

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