We conduct independent research into significant challenges to the economy, society and the welfare state in a global world.


The ROCKWOOL Foundation Berlin Institute for the Economy and the Future of Work (RFBerlin) provides new knowledge to inform and raise the standard of public debate, and to create the best possible basis for policy making.

Fact of the day
Equity, Inclusion & Opportunity
Equity, Inclusion & Opportunity
Migration & Global Collaboration
Migration & Global Collaboration
Technology, Trade & Human Capital
Technology, Trade & Human Capital

Discussion papers

No. 15/24 - July 2024

Unintended Consequences of Welfare Cuts on Children and Adolescents

Christian Dustmann, Rasmus Landersø & Lars Højsgaard Andersen

No. 16/24 - July 2024

Evolving Returns to Personality

Ramin Izadi & Joonas Tuhkuri

No. 14/24 - June 2024

AI Unboxed and Jobs: A Novel Measure and Firm-Level Evidence from Three Countries

Erik Engberg, Holger Görg, Magnus Lodefalk, Farrukh Javed, Martin Längkvist, Natália Monteiro, Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås, Giuseppe Pulito, Sarah Schroeder, Aili Tang

No. 13/24 - June 2024

What Matters for the Decision to Study Abroad? A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment in Cape Verde

Catia Batista, David M Costa, Pedro Freitas, Gonçalo Lima, Ana B Reis

Upcoming events

RFBerlin regularly hosts events to promote scientific research and collaboration.

RFBerlin event

13 Mar – 14 Mar 2025

RFBerlin Migration Forum

Migration: economics, politics and development


15 Oct – 16 Oct 2024

Reproducibility in Research

Tools, Tips, and Skills for Day 1, Day T-1, and Anytime in Between

External Event

17 September 2024

Decouple, Disengage, Derisk or Cooperate: China’s Role in the Economic Future of Germany and the EU

Panel Discussion at VfS Annual Conference


RFBerlin research and researchers are regularly featured in the press.

Press release

26 Aug 2024

Cutting Social Benefits for Refugees Has Long-Term Negative Consequences
Learn More

22 Aug 2024

Handbook Talk with with Suresh Naidu: How do unions affect wages and inequality?
Listen to podcast

15 Aug 2024

Handbook Talk with Stephen Machin: How does crime impact the economy and society?
View article

Tweets by @RF_Berlin

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