The ROCKWOOL Foundation Berlin Institute for the Economy and the Future of Work (RFBerlin) conducts independent research into significant challenges to the economy, society and the welfare state in a global world.

About us
RFBerlin focuses on applied and data driven research, and produces work that is impartial, based on objective scientific principles and adheres to the highest standards of academic excellence. The Institute is funded by the ROCKWOOL Foundation. The ROCKWOOL Foundation is a self-funding and impartial charitable foundation established in 1981. From the outset, the Foundation's stated aim has been to support independent and credible research for the benefit of the general public. RFBerlin is closely linked to a broad international knowledge network and works closely with its partner in Copenhagen. The goal of the research conducted at RFBerlin is to inform and raise the level of public debate, and to provide the best possible basis for political decision making.
Research structure
RFBerlin brings together top scholars from Germany, Europe and around the world to conduct research at the frontiers of economics and social science. RFBerlin provides first class in-house research capacity and support structures. Its expertise pool supports policy decision making by providing evidence based information to academics, specialised users, policy makers, the media and the wider public.
Research integration
RFBerlin’s project leaders coordinate teams of researchers working on related topics, and are closely involved in the mentoring of younger scholars. Research assistants, PhD students and Postdoctoral fellows working at RFBerlin may spend time at other institutions to facilitate collaboration and develop cooperative initiatives with researchers from around the world.
Development of early career researchers
RFBerlin has a clear, transparent and unified structure for training and mentoring of younger scholars. The Institute’s PhD students and postdoctoral fellows participate in the Berlin-wide PhD and postdoc program (the Berlin School of Economics, BSE), as well as training programs at other institutions. This ensures their integration into a wider academic network, and gives them access to specialised support for research students and early career researchers. The regular RFBerlin seminar series provide not only the opportunity for junior researchers to present their work, but also expose them to top researchers in their field and cutting-edge research from visiting scholars.