Discussion Papers

No. 17/24 - September 2024

Immigrants, Imports, and Welfare: Evidence from Household Purchase Data

Brett A. McCully, Torsten Jaccard, Christoph Albert

No. 15/24 - July 2024

Unintended Consequences of Welfare Cuts on Children and Adolescents

Christian Dustmann, Rasmus Landersø & Lars Højsgaard Andersen

No. 16/24 - July 2024

Evolving Returns to Personality

Ramin Izadi & Joonas Tuhkuri

No. 14/24 - June 2024

AI Unboxed and Jobs: A Novel Measure and Firm-Level Evidence from Three Countries

Erik Engberg, Holger Görg, Magnus Lodefalk, Farrukh Javed, Martin Längkvist, Natália Monteiro, Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås, Giuseppe Pulito, Sarah Schroeder, Aili Tang

No. 13/24 - June 2024

What Matters for the Decision to Study Abroad? A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment in Cape Verde

Catia Batista, David M Costa, Pedro Freitas, Gonçalo Lima, Ana B Reis

No. 12/24 - May 2024

The Relationship between Social Capital and Migrant Integration, Ethnic Diversity, and Spatial Sorting

Matthew Roskruge, Jacques Poot

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