Handbook Talk with Patrick Kline: What are the consequences of monopsony for the labour market?

Handbook Talk with Patrick Kline: What are the consequences of monopsony for the labour market?

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“Views within the profession about how empirically relevant (monopsony) is have changed a lot. It used to be viewed as fringe viewpoint on how labor markets operate. But it does have a rigorous basis to it. It’s actually a more generic feature of labor markets that people have limited outside options.” - Quote by Professor Patrick Kline

In this podcast episode dedicated to the new edition of the Handbook of Labor Economics, Tim Phillips speaks with Patrick Kline , Professor of Economics at UC Berkeley, about monopsony in the labor market.

Unlike monopoly, where a single supplier dominates, monopsony occurs when a single buyer—in this case, an employer—has significant power to set wages. 

Prof. Kline discusses recent research on the prevalence of monopsony and the role of policy and regulation in addressing monopsony power. He emphasizes the need for rigorous understanding and innovative policy solutions to tackle this issue effectively.

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