

4 Jul 2024

Handbook Talk with Arindrajit Dube: What are the effects of raising minimum wages?
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27 Jun 2024

Handbook Talk with with Daron Acemoglu: Will AI replace jobs or improve them?
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13 Jun 2024

Handbook Talk with David Deming: What is the college wage premium and how will AI change college education?
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a colorful photo of a busy street, masses of people blurred in motion
Articles Global Migration Information Hub

10 May 2024 • Population and Development Review

As remittances rise sharply, we need to rethink established concepts of demographic support | By Lukas Tohoff
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Articles Global Migration Information Hub

19 Jan 2024 • VoxEU

From Refugees to Citizens: Understanding Labor Market Returns to Naturalization | By research associate Francesco Fasani, deputy director GMIH Tommaso Frattini and Maxime Pirot on VoxEU
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Articles Global Migration Information Hub

15 Jan 2024 • LISER

Refugees are not just another group of immigrants | Policy brief by project leader Sascha Becker
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