
Labour Economics, 2022

Government Aid and Child Refugees’ Economic Success Later in Life: Evidence from Post-WWII GDR Refugees

Sandra E. Black, Hannah Liepmann, Camille Remigereau, Alexandra Spitz-Oener

Journal of Economic Geography, 2022

The (Struggle for) Labour Market Integration of Refugees: Evidence from European Countries

Francesco Fasani, Tommaso Frattini, Luigi Minale

Australian Economic History Review, 2022

Forced displacement in history: Some recent research

Sascha O. Becker

The Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 2022

Reallocation Effects of the Minimum Wage

Christian Dustmann, Attila Lindner, Uta Schönberg, Matthias Umkehrer, Philipp vom Berge

Review of Finance, 2022

Entrepreneur Death and Startup Performance

Sascha O Becker, Hans K Hvide

Review of Economic Studies, 2022

The Dynamics of Return Migration, Human Capital Accumulation, and Wage Assimilation

Christian Dustmann, Jérôme Adda, Joseph-Simon Görlach

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