Reuters spotlights our study on immigration’s fiscal impact in the UK

Reuters spotlights our study on immigration’s fiscal impact in the UK

The news agency Reuters has spotlighted our research on the fiscal effects of immigration to the UK conducted by our Director Christian Dustmann and Deputy Director of GMIH Tommaso Frattini.

In an article titled “Raw Economics Will Trump Migration’s Sour Politics”, Reuter’s columnist Francesco Guerrera highlights their study, demonstrating how immigration positively contributes to the fiscal health of developed nations, including the UK.

“Anti-immigration campaigners’ claim that migrants are a drain on fiscal resources is also shaky. Christian Dustmann and Tommaso Frattini of University College London looked at immigration into the UK between 2001 and 2011. They found, that foreigners contributed 25 billion pounds to the state’s coffers more than what they took out. By contrast, natives’ fiscal contribution was a negative 616 billion pounds.”

This analysis forms part of a broader discussion on how demographic and economic factors may shape future migration policies, with an increasing demand for foreign labor in developed countries due to shrinking workforces and pension system pressures.

You can read the full article on the Reuters website:

The research by Dustmann and Frattini continues to provide vital insights into the economic value of immigration, challenging the often-negative narratives surrounding migration debates.

The full study can be found here:

And here:

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