Fabrizio Colella is a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Economics at Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI) in Lugano, Switzerland. He works in the fields of labor economics and microeconometrics, with a focus on understanding how companies shape labor demand, particularly through the lenses of job advertisement analysis. His research investigates the impact of economic shocks and discriminatory practices of agents impact the sorting of workers and their performance.
The Review of Economic Studies, forthcoming
Gender Preferences in Job Vacancies and Workplace Gender Segregation
David Card, Fabrizio Colella, and Rafael Lalive
Management Science, forthcoming
Science Robotics, 2022, Vol 7, Issue 65
How to compete with robots by assessing job automation risks and resilient alternatives
Rafael Lalive, Dario Floreano, Isabelle Chappuis, Antonio Paolillo, and Nicola Nosengo
The Stata Journal, 2023, 23, Number 1
acreg: Arbitrary correlation regression
Rafael Lalive, Mathias Thoenig, and Seyhun Orcan Sakalli